Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Beginning

If you don’t know me, I not only welcome you to my blog, but I also invite you to click on “view my complete profile” on the left side of the page.  That will help you understand who I am, and my desire for discussing this topic.

One of the things I’ve become interested in recently is finances and how it plays into social status and behavior.  From a psychology standpoint, I tend to ask the question “why.”  I’m not intending to create a forum of whiners, but a place to hash out the why’s behind certain financial tendencies.

Now instead of immediately throwing out a bunch of statistics, I’d like to hear from you.  In a way, gather my own statistics.  I’m very interested in exploring how others’ backgrounds have affected them, and what their opinions on specific topics might be.  One’s background definitely plays a role in their current position, but I believe it doesn’t dictate it.  So let’s start with ourselves.

            How did your parents introduce you to money?
                        Did you have to ask? 
Did you get it for rewards/presents?
Did they fight about money?
Did you know anything at all about money as a child?

In addition to a written response, please feel free to take the survey on the side of the blog as well!